Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Behind the Bedroom Wall by Laura Williams

The book Behind the Bedroom Wall by Laura E. Williams is about a girl named Korinna Rehme and she is part of a Nazi Youth group.  She’s German and one night she hears noise behind the bedroom wall and she doesn’t know what it is.  If you read the book you can find out what is lying behind her bedroom wall and if you like books about Hitler you will definitely like this book.  This book is even coming to our library soon so if you want to check it out it’s a really good book.

Reviewed by sneakerhead23


  1. This is the first book obout Adolf hitler i have heard of . It sounds very intresting . Is this a creepy or spooky book
    ghostdog 82

    1. it is a mystery book but a little creep in some ways


  2. i dont really care for books like that but i really like the way you worded your review. great jod. this book sounds very interesting. ~ pinkxox003

    1. thanks and if i didnt really like this genre of books but when i read it i loved it

