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Friday, December 13, 2013
Chad and Mal by Stephen McCranie
Monday, December 9, 2013
The Big One-Oh by Dean Pitchford
Black Beauty, retold from the original by Anna Sewell
Reviewed by WereWolf Lover 82
Comeback Kids: Two Minute Drill by Mike Lupica
Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone
Penny From Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm
The Bell Bandit by Jacqueline Davies
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is about the difficulties of a boy with an abnormal face. Everyone keeps judging him and he finally starts going to school. See how he overcomes getting bullied by the people in his school.
The book gives a few life lessons that I really liked. This reminds me of the difficulties of school and how I'm pulling through. One of the life lessons is to be kind to others and people will be kind to you. In other words, treat people the way you want to be treated. Sometimes I get bullied in school by a person that shall not be named, but I have my friends to help me, just like the protagonist in this book.
Review by Cherryshell
Wonder by R.J. Palacio. is a pretty cool and nice book to read in class or at home for some calm time. I read this book in 4th grade and thought it was very touching and a very calming story. Auggie is a boy who has a not so normal face. His face looks a little weird. but other than that he has some good friends and keeps his Friendships! Wonder was a good book to read. I really think this was really helpful for friendship and bullying. I really think people should read for help on bullying and to not judge people on the way they look on the outside, but what they are like on the inside.
Review By theminecrafter
The book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, is about a boy named Auggie who was born with a deformed face. He starts the fifth grade in a public school for the first time. Auggie faces many challenges along the way, such as bullies, friends, and family. As the school year goes on, Auggie makes some great friends too. Will Auggie continue going to a public school or will he have his mom homeschool him again?
In the story Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, there is a boy named Auggie. The problem is that Auggie is different than most of the other kids. He has to try to fit in at his new school. It was his first year in a school after being home schooled for his first five years of school. The cause of this problem is that Auggie’s face is deformed. Will he survive middle school?
The book Wonder is by R.J. Palacio. It is about a kid that gets picked on because he has a deformed face. Auggie Pullman had been home schooled until the 5th grade. This kid named Julien is a jerk to Auggie because he is deformed. Auggie made a friend named Jack Will. They also did a project together and got first place. How do you think Auggie is going to end up with the rest of the 5th graders.
In Wonder by R.J. Palacio, there's a kid named August with a deformed face. He's been homeschooled all his life because of all his surgeries. His doctor says he doesn't need anymore surgeries for a couple years. His mother is making him go to school this year. He likes the school but there are some issues along the way. Read more to learn about how August survives his new school!
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a fantastic book! I would go so far as to say it should be required reading for every sixth grade student in both of my schools. I'm hoping that many of my faculty members will put this book on a list as their next read aloud for their classes. R.J. Palacio writes from the point of view of different children throughout the book and manages to accurately capture each person's feelings and voice.
Okay, by now you probably want to know what this book is about... Wonder is a book about a boy who is born with a genetic abnormality that causes his face to be deformed. His name is August, and through his voice we get to see the world from his point of view. We learn about how he ignores the staring looks of strangers and the way they avoid touching him. But we also learn how August has a kindness in him that lets him understand and forgive people. Read this book and put yourself in the shoes of each of the unforgettable characters in the story. You will learn some things about them, and about yourself in the process.
Reviewed by Mrs. Castro
Reviewed by Paw Patrol
Friday, December 6, 2013
Almost Starring Skinny-bones by Barbara Park
Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sacher
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Amulet: Prince of the Elves by Kuzu Kibuishi
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
Judy Moody gets famous by Megan McDonald

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
Have you ever wanted an adventure fantasy book? If you have, The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan is a great book for you! In The Sea of Monsters, the demi-gods Percy Jackson, Annabeth and Tyson find out that Thalia’s tree has been poisoned and they need to find a way to heal it. They have adventures on the Sea of Monsters and in camp Half-Blood. This book is very funny and exciting. I think the author’s message is to never give up. I enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend this book to people who love adventurous, fantasy books! How do you think they will save Thalia’s tree?
Review by Bobbob745
Amulet: The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi
Amulet: The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi is about the story of the cloud searchers and a city. It is a good book to read. Emily, Navin and the resistance fighters search for a mythical city in the clouds and try to figure out if the elf king’s son is an ally or an enemy. It is a graphic novel. That’s why l love the book. I love graphic novels! Do you?
Reviewed by loveblog102
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Apes and Other Hairy Primates by Richard Platt