Wonder by R.J. Palacio is about the difficulties of a boy with an abnormal face. Everyone keeps judging him and he finally starts going to school. See how he overcomes getting bullied by the people in his school.
The book gives a few life lessons that I really liked. This reminds me of the difficulties of school and how I'm pulling through. One of the life lessons is to be kind to others and people will be kind to you. In other words, treat people the way you want to be treated. Sometimes I get bullied in school by a person that shall not be named, but I have my friends to help me, just like the protagonist in this book.
Review By: robloxjb0007
In this book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, which is a #1 New York Times Bestseller, there is a boy who has a deformed face. He goes to school for the first time and he has to face all the struggles of school and bullies because he is different. It is very difficult for him in the beginning since people at public school aren't used to having someone as different as him there. Read the story to find out more and get a touching feeling in your heart.
I really like this book because it is a touching story and really hits a soft part of your heart. It is so meaningful and you should truly read it. Wonder is emotional and is such a great story with great details you just want to keep reading.
Review by Cherryshell
Wonder by R.J. Palacio. is a pretty cool and nice book to read in class or at home for some calm time. I read this book in 4th grade and thought it was very touching and a very calming story. Auggie is a boy who has a not so normal face. His face looks a little weird. but other than that he has some good friends and keeps his Friendships!
Wonder was a good book to read. I really think this was really helpful for friendship and bullying. I really think people should read for help on bullying and to not judge people on the way they look on the outside, but what they are like on the inside.
Review By theminecrafter
The book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, is about a boy named Auggie who was born with a deformed face. He starts the fifth grade in a public school for the first time. Auggie faces many challenges along the way, such as bullies, friends, and family. As the school year goes on, Auggie makes some great friends too. Will Auggie continue going to a public school or will he have his mom homeschool him again?
I like this story because it gives me many different feeling as I read it. It made me feel happy, sad, confused, angry, and excited. I can relate to Via, the older sister because my brother just started school too. He’s in kindergarten but he doesn’t have a facial deformity. Because he just started school, we tend to focus on him more. This doesn’t really bother me as much as it bothers Via though. My family still focuses on me a lot too, just a little less than before, but I’m fine with it.
Reviewed by- #1wonderfan
In the story Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, there is a boy named Auggie. The problem is that Auggie is different than most of the other kids. He has to try to fit in at his new school. It was his first year in a school after being home schooled for his first five years of school. The cause of this problem is that Auggie’s face is deformed. Will he survive middle school?
I thought that the book was very good and had a lot of detail. The author gave me a very vivid picture of the characters and the situations. It was very sad when Auggie had to try and fit in and the other kids wouldn’t accept him.
When I was new at this school, I didn’t know many people. I had to make new friends even though it was a challenge. This made me feel a connection to Auggie. My first friends were Jack and Will, and one of Auggie’s first friends was Jack Will.
Reviewed by TB12
The book Wonder is by R.J. Palacio. It is about a kid that gets picked on because he has a deformed face. Auggie Pullman had been home schooled until the 5th grade. This kid named Julien is a jerk to Auggie because he is deformed. Auggie made a friend named Jack Will. They also did a project together and got first place. How do you think Auggie is going to end up with the rest of the 5th graders.
I love this book. It is a really good book that makes you want to read on. I really recommend this book for you. This book reminds me of a kid that does not care what people think of him. It is not right for people to judge you on how you look or feel.
Review bye Hankdatank25
In Wonder by R.J. Palacio, there's a kid named August with a deformed face. He's been homeschooled all his life because of all his surgeries. His doctor says he doesn't need anymore surgeries for a couple years. His mother is making him go to school this year. He likes the school but there are some issues along the way. Read more to learn about how August survives his new school!
I enjoyed this book because of how it grabbed me and I just couldn't let it go. The story was told by different points of view. I liked August's point of view the most. August is a really nice kid. This book is kind of like the movie A Girl Like You because she gets bullied but keeps it inside. August gets bullied and doesn't tell anyone.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a fantastic book! I would go so far as to say it should be required reading for every sixth grade student in both of my schools. I'm hoping that many of my faculty members will put this book on a list as their next read aloud for their classes. R.J. Palacio writes from the point of view of different children throughout the book and manages to accurately capture each person's feelings and voice.
Okay, by now you probably want to know what this book is about...
Wonder is a book about a boy who is born with a genetic abnormality that causes his face to be deformed. His name is August, and through his voice we get to see the world from his point of view. We learn about how he ignores the staring looks of strangers and the way they avoid touching him. But we also learn how August has a kindness in him that lets him understand and forgive people. Read this book and put yourself in the shoes of each of the unforgettable characters in the story. You will learn some things about them, and about yourself in the process.
Reviewed by Mrs. Castro
Have you wanted to read a book that is sad and funny? Well then read this description of the book Wonder by R.J Palico, and you will
surely want to read the whole book.
The main characters in the book are Auggie and Via. Via is Auggies sister. Auggie is in fifth grade and Via is In high
school. In the story Auggie has some
trouble, because he is going to public school for the first time. I know that this sounds weird but there is
more. Auggie has facial deformities and
he is scared he will be made fun of. I
know that I would be scared too. Would
you be scared? Via is in high school and
she is also having some difficulties, and that is making friends and losing
friends. Just like Via, in fifth grade I
had some trouble, because some of my friends were not so nice to me. I made new friends and that is what counts.
This story is phenomenal because of its details and how the author
explains the story almost as if it is real. I really hope that you choose this book
because it is just so good!
The book Wonder is
a tremendous and astonishing book for kids! This book is realistic fiction. The
main characters are August, Julian, Summer, and Jack Will. August has facial
disabilities and he has been home schooled and now he is starting a real school
as a 5th grader. Read to see what happens to August. I think the
message is “treat people the way you want to be treated”! The book can be sad
and informational at the same time. I would highly recommend this book!
Reviewed by bigpapi20
Wonder by R.J Palacio is an amazing book. The book helps you understand why you shouldn’t judge people by their looks. It has so many funny moments and also a lot of it is really sad. If you want to know more, READ IT!
This book is a connection to my life because my friend in North Carolina named Garret, has a different face but he still goes to school and a lot of bad things happen to him. He gets bullied. I feel like I am like the character Summer, because I stand up for him.
Wonder is a very good book for the 5th graders, because they would understand the meaning of this book. I hope you get to this read book, because it’s an amazing book!
Reviewed by #supercupcake16
Wonder by RJ. Palacio is a very good book. It’s about a little kid named August. He has a cleft palate. Ok this year is August’s first year of school. He was homeschooled his whole life. In the hallway everyone stares at him all the time. One day the 5th grade boys were making fun of August, so his older sister Via screamed at the kids. But just because someone looks different doesn't mean that they are different. Everyone should be treated the same.
Wonder is a very good book. August’s big sister Via always sticks up for him. You should read this book because it is awesome. August is a regular kid. He plays games, sports, and eats ice cream. If you think about it, everyone is the same, no one is different.
Reviewed by Paw Patrol
my teacher is reading this to our class for read aloud and we are only on about chapter 4 or 5 and i already really love this book. We also have read "Anything But Typical" about a kid with autism. I think you might like that book too.
Thanks for the great comment. So glad you are enjoying this book. "Anything But Typical" was also excellent! Both are great books that let you imagine what it is like to be a little bit different, but how we all share the same feelings.
DeleteI liked how you explained the story line in a few sentences.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment! I hope you read this book!
Mad football,
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Wonder is a great book however it is sad too. I too have read this book twice and, listened to on tape. On a rating 1 to 10 how much did you like this book? I would give it a 8 and a half to 9.
- #HPrunner
Thank you for your review! I would rate this book as a 9. I will have to agree with you that Wonder is a sad book, but it has many happy parts too.
dear madfootball, you did a good job writing the review I really understanded it. one of my friends had read this book before. What was your rating for this book?
Dear CandyBubba13,Thank you for your review!!!!My rating for this book would be a 9. Have you read this book before? If not then I suggest you read it. It will change you, in the inside.
Dear mad football I liked the review the book sounds pretty interesting now.
ReplyDeleteI hope the library has the same book my friend hprunner has allso read the book.
Is the book sad, happy, or evil?
from I love m&m's
Dear I Love m&m's, I just want to say thank you for your review! The book in my opinion is sad, funny, and heartwarming. Personally I think you should read this book, I know for sure you will love it!!!!
MADFOOTBALL, Wonder sounds like a very interesting book. Like you said, I would be scared to go to a public school for the first time. Is Wonder one of your favorite books in the library?
Dear TSwift101, thank you for reading my book review! Wonder is one of my favorite books in the library, but it is not my only favorite!!! I strongly suggest that you read this book. If you read this book make sure you respond to me!!!!!!!!
MADFOOTBALL I like your review!!!!!!! My teacher read this book for a read aloud. It was really good. Do u think Auggie is a really good friend to Summer?
Hi MADFOOTBALL!!!! You did a great job on your review!!! I love Wonder!! I've read it twice already!!! Do you think Auggie would be a good friend to have? Why?
MADFOOTBALL hi. this book sounds great. i have a question did you read this book or did someone else did. im watching you. kidding. i have no connection to this book do you,
ReplyDeleteDear bigpapi20,
ReplyDeleteI say this book is a good choice. This book was a winner for the children awards. What would you rate this book from 1 to 10. I am going to start reading this book when i get a chance.
from, loleris
thanks loleris. If I had to rate this, i would rate this a 8.5 out of 10. You could put this book on hold in the library if u want to read it.
dear madfootball
ReplyDeletenice review i checked the book out and my teacher read the book out loud.
is the book good?
Atlas runner 947. we are going to read this book soon.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great book and you explained a little of it well. Not to much so you don't spoil it. My class just read two books about disabilities. One about dyslexia and being a little person. Did you have fun reading this book? It is a mix of adventure, sadness, friendship, and so much more.
ReplyDeletePeaches Can Fly
Great Review!! I have read this book .Did you like this book?-cakes14
ReplyDeletecherryshell wonder is a good book
ReplyDeleteI read this book before! Great review to! Who is your favorite character?