Reviewed by: Shadow Dragon 29
Do you like mystery books? If you do, then the book Something Upstairs by Avi is perfect for you. Something Upstairs is a fiction, mystery and kind of a scary book. In the story Kenny has just moved to Providence and is settling in a new home, his room is also in the attic. While he is in his room he notices a strange door. He has no idea what’s in it and he is very curious. So at nighttime he walks up to the door and finds… Read this book to find out what he finds. I recommend this book through the grades of 3rd through 6th. You can also find this book in your school library.
Reviewed by TheAwesomeGuy123
Do you like mystery books? If you do, then the book Something Upstairs by Avi is perfect for you. Something Upstairs is a fiction, mystery and kind of a scary book. In the story Kenny has just moved to Providence and is settling in a new home, his room is also in the attic. While he is in his room he notices a strange door. He has no idea what’s in it and he is very curious. So at nighttime he walks up to the door and finds… Read this book to find out what he finds. I recommend this book through the grades of 3rd through 6th. You can also find this book in your school library.
Reviewed by TheAwesomeGuy123
nice job on the summeray. read the book and loved it. can't wait read some more books by Avi. whats your your favorite book by Avi also nice name.
I read a few by Avi.My favorite is: Something upstairs.
DeleteThanks. I LOVE DRAGONS!!
- Shadow Dragon 29
awsome review i read this book in 4th grade it was so awsome - hifi25
DeleteThanks! Books like this interest me so much. Im reading Crispin right now. You should read it. Its really good so far. If you read it,make sure to read the second one!
Delete- Shadow Dragon 29
i finished the first crispin. 2 isnt here yet. :(
DeleteI read the book. It was amazing! Is there any other books like this one?