Review by umbrella
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Monday, February 4, 2019
Return of the Vampire, by Geronimo Stilton
Review by umbrella
Sunday, February 3, 2019
A Dog’s Life by Ann Martin
I love this story because I relate to it. I have my own dogs and I love them. I found this story and started reading it. It was so good I kept reading it and than before I knew it, I was on page 60. So I think you should read this book if you’re into this kind of story. It’s a great story by the way.
Review by kwezzyy_twitch
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Haunted Bridge by Carolyn Keene
This book is pretty good and I like the book a lot because I like mysteries and I love Carolyn Keene books. My dad and I love golf. Do you like golf?
By patriots fan 369
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Summer of the Sea Serpent, written by Mary Pope Osborne
I connected with this book because it is about teamwork and friendship. It shows trust and a little bit of magic. When I read this book I feel like I’m actually there. This is an amazing book and I encourage everyone to read it.
Review by: Tribrid_SuperNatural_get54irEG$
Camp Midnight by Steven T. Seagle
I like this book because it’s a cool book and this color choice is different and weird. It perfectly blends the creepy with the humorous. I think people that like weird books or graphic novels would like this book.
Camp Midnight by Steven T. Seagle and Jason Adam Katzenstein is the book that I'm reading. It is for 7-11 year olds. So if you are around those ages, it might be for you. It’s fiction by the way. The book is about ghosts and demons and there is a little girl who's the main character. Her mom is evil because she is a monster or a demon.
It is an amazing book! She feels lonely and does not have a lot of friends. I can relate to her because I get left a lot and I do not have a lot of friends, so that's how I relate to the book . It’s a really good book. I love it and I hope you will too!
Review by : CRAZY KID
Zoe in Wonderland by Brenda Wood
The reason I liked this book is because she is in a garden shop reading and I like reading. Also it's kind of like a mystery, but not, because it’s also a lot about family. That's why I liked it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Who Was John F. Kennedy? by Yona Zeldis McDonough
The book is great, but if you read it for yourself it's even better. The number one reason I like it is, it is both sad and happy. The book talks about JFK’s accomplishments and the death of his loved ones.
Reviewed by west Virginia gamer 101
Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson
I really enjoyed this book because every girl likes Unicorns. I mean, you can’t blame me. This book reminds me of my friends. When I was little we all loved unicorns! This book is amazing and I’m probably going to read more of Dana Simpson’s books. If you want to read one of her books, then I have included her website. I hope you read this book because it’s a really good book.
Reviewed by:shadowthecat123
Recess Warriors: Bad Guy is a Two-Word Word by Marcus Emerson
I like this book because I like graphic novels. This is a book in a series. I hope you like it.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
A Dog’s Purpose by Cameron W. Bruce
I like this book because I like dogs a lot. I don’t have a dog but I get to visit with my grandmother’s dog. Also, I like this book because it reminded me of my other grandmother’s dog who died on Christmas. That’s sad. But now I hope he might get reincarnated.
Review by mantha23
The Legend of the Ghost Dog is by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
The Enchanted Charms by Geronimo Stilton
This book relates to me because the mouse and the mouse's cousin are funny and a lot of people say I’m funny. Also a lot of people say I’m smart and that’s what a couple of the mouse’s friends are. I think you would like this book if you are into other books like Harry Potter.
Reviewed by: Dirtbike rider 274
Floods by Lorraine Hopping
I like this book a lot because it is fun to read and I learned a lot of stuff in this book. You should read this book because you can learn about floods too. I hope you read this book.
Review by fortnite cool dude47
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Terrible Two by Mac Barnett and Jory John
The Terrible Two by Jory John and Mac Barnett is about a boy named Miles who moves to a new town called Yawnee Valley. It begins as a normal story but then it tells us about his old school and how he was the school's big prankster. It also tells about how miserable Miles was to move to a new town.
My most favorite character in this book is principal Barkin. He is my favorite because he is an angry man who always has something crazy he gets himself into. I also like the part where the principal parked on the stairs and made all the students go into the school through his car to get in.
This book reminds me of the times I had to move and it was hard because I had so many memories from there. The hardest part was not being able to see my friends because we were in different cities. I would always be very silent and shy. Then I got used to the school and I'm not as shy as I was before and now have a lot of friends who I can relate to, which makes me more comfortable.
I can really relate to Miles in this book. I LOVE to prank my sister, and…. I sometimes get pranked myself. I hope you will like the book.
Review by Wakanda4ever
Who is Stevie Wonder? by Jim Gigliotti
I like this book because Stevie Wonder is my favorite musician. This book is my favorite of the Who is/Was book series. Stevie Wonder is famous for his music, and I love music just like him. He is blind, and that inspired me to start playing music. He is a great person and has done many charitable things. He is named a United Nations messenger of peace. He is a very inspiring person to kids all over the world, and almost everybody has a favorite Stevie Wonder song.
Dork Diaries, Tales from a Not-so-Graceful Ice Princess by Rachel Renee Russell
I really connected to this book because I think that Rachel Renee Russell’s books are really great and exciting to read! It made me smile and laugh and I think anyone who read it would feel the same way. She’s my favorite book author.
Review By: Dorkdiarie101
Dork Diaries: tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter by Rachel Renee Russell
I like Dork diaries. The book is cool and it pulls you in as you read. Read the whole series, it changes your life.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
BabyMouse Queen of the World by Jennifer L. Holm
I love this book and I really love animals! It is a great book for people who like graphic novels without a lot of words. I liked and chose this book because it is very interesting and fun to read. I could read a whole series in one day, it is that good. I couldn’t read another book that is so funny and relatable. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between hanging with the popular kids or with your best friend? Then this is the right book for you! Baby Mouse is just like regular people, that’s why I fell in love with her from the first book.
Review by Chairperson
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
I like Shel Silverstein books because they are funny. The writing and pictures are hilarious. My favorite poem is “Ickle me pickle me tickle me too”.
I like this book because it’s funny.
Ten True Tales: Poice Heroes by Allan Zullo
I like the book because I like cops. It’s like you are with a lot of cops. This books reminds me of fast paced hockey.
Review by Squirrel Police
Auggie and Me by R.J. Palacio
Auggie and Me has things that will hurt other kids feelings but there is a lesson to learn. I think that you should treat people the way you would like to be treated. When I read this book it makes me feel like a better person. This book talks about very important things that maybe you will like to learn about to. This book shows hard feelings and maybe will hurt other feelings but is a good lesson to learn, this book is very good and I think that you should read it too.
Reviewed by rainbow
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan
I also liked this book because it has lots of details. The words make the story more fascinating. I hope more people will read this very good book. Sarah was a tall lady, and she was just plain, but she was a very nice person.
Reviewed by The Cookie master
Dog Man by Dav Pilkey
Personally I like this book because it is a graphic novel. I also like Dog Man because it has some adventure. I like pictures and the author of this series of books has a lot of detail in his pictures. I like the the characters that he makes, because they have good personalities.
Review by PizzaGuy12345
Dog Man and Cat Kid was written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey. Dog Man is a graphic novel about Dog Man. He adopted a kitten named Lil Petey who was on the streets because, (by the way Lil Petey is a clone) his creator Petey left for the bathroom.
Anyway it's a good book. I really enjoyed it. It was funny. It's a comic/graphic novel, but with chapters. My cousins, one is 13 and the other is 24, they love it. This book is for people of all ages.
Review by fortnite battle pass
The Magic Tree House, Lions at Lunchtime by Mary Pope Osborne
I like the book for many reasons. I like the adventures and missions that Jack & Annie go on. Sometimes they complete the missions and sometimes they don’t. I like the animals that are in the book like the lions, tigers, giraffes, the birds, and the rhinos.
The Missing Piece Is by Shel Silverstein
Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus? by Aaron Blabey
The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus is about 5 heroes, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Shark, Mr. Snake, Mr. Tarantula, and Mr. Piranha, who try to get back to the present. They get blasted into the past while trying to save the world from aliens! My favorite character is Mr. Shark because he’s good at disguises! My favorite scene is when the “Bad Guys'' go into the portal.
I love this book because of its hilariousness. The characters have a funny character design. I love it when Mr. Wolf says that the velociraptors can’t see him, even though they can. I also loved when Mr. Snake threw a rock at a poor velociraptor. Another part I liked was when Mr. Shark dressed up as a tree and Mr. Wolf was talking a lot, so the velociraptors found them. That reminds me of when I'm in my classroom and one person starts talking, everyone does! Anyways, I think you should read this awesome, hilarious Graphic Novel by Aaron Blabey!
Review by: The Enchanter
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Big Nate Game On! by Lincoln Pierce
Nate plays basketball, baseball, and soccer. In baseball, Nate’s team has an embarrassing name. He plays left field, but he always says that there is no action in left field. In soccer, Nate plays as goalie, but when he makes a save he always gets hits in the face and gets hurt. In basketball, Nate always needs his lucky socks in his warm ups and games or else he he will lose. He likes to roast the other players. Read the book and I think you‘ll agree it's funny.
The Warrior’s Heart Becoming a Man of Compassion and Courage by Eric Greitens
This book made me think of the many obstacles I have in my life. Obstacles that I have to overcome, and learn from. So this book helps me deal with my problems because if Eric Greitens can do the things he’s done, then, I can definitely deal with what I have going on in my life.
Made by: Minecraft_FLUFFY_Rainbow_Pigs27?
Big Nate: In a Class by Himself by Lincoln Peirce
Like I said before, I think that the Big Nate series is awesome, but I particularly like this one because I feel it's more funny and relatable than the others! This book kind of reminded me of some real life situations. I also like the colors on the cover on the book, I think they're eye-appealing and pretty. And the tittle is clever, given the events in the book. I really enjoyed this book, I hope you do too!
By: fixer_upper12
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch
I really liked this book because it was a romance and is about half Italian teenagers who end up dating. I really like the fact that the book is about a girl and a boy who set out to find the girl’s real father after reading her mother’s diary. I don’t relate to this because I’m single and don’t like anyone, but my best friend does. She relates to the romantic part but not the diary and father part. She has liked this boy for about a year and when she got into middle school, on her first month, she told him about how she felt. Now they are dating just like Lorenzo and Carolina.
Reviewed by Unicorns and Rainbows
Movie For Dogs by Lois Duncan

Wow! I think Movie for Dogs was amazing and so much fun to read. At the end of every chapter it was like a new beginning to the story. This book reminds of when I entered a contest. I didn’t win and I was a little sad. This book is realistic fiction. Movie for Dogs was a book where you don’t want to put it down. I loved it.
Review by Pugstar583
Recess Warriors: Hero is a Four Letter Word by Marcus Emerson
The art is amazing and some of the best style I’ve seen in a graphic novel. The comedy is great, it reminds me of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. There are truly great character designs and the cover design is nice and colorful. It's a world filled with imagination where girls are power hungry pirates and zombies take over the school. Anything can happen in this world and that's why I love this book and I'm sure you’ll like it too.
Reviewed bysportsbeast54678
The Baby Sitters Club Kristy Ann Saves The Day by Raina Telgemeier
I like this book because it is interesting and a very good book, I really enjoyed reading this book. My favorite part of the book was when they got back to being best friends. I think in conclusion that this is an amazing graphic novel and is one of a series of books.
Virginia Hall the Spy with the Wooden Leg by Nancy Polette
She got many world awards that the world was included in and many that were just for her and her family. She had best friends, colleagues, and even her own team that she formed and trained by herself. She was determined to make her hard dream become a reality.
Reviewed by Firework101
I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 by Lauren Tarshis
I love this book because it is about weather and I love weather. I also love the I Survived series. You should read Hurricane Katrina, 2005.
Reviewed by Board game